past residents//

Julie Byrne, our first resident, stayed with us during the may and june months of 2014. she worked on some new songs during her stay, one of which you can listen to here (imagine hearing this tune coming out of her room on a sunny spring afternoon. yeah, magical). julie also helped us rework the cafe menu, and worked with us behind the counter. so much love <3 <3 <3

Juan Wauters was here for nearly a month in oct/nov 2014. he recorded his new album, who me?, which releases 12 may 2015 via captured tracks. this was done in the studio next door, futureappletree studio 2 and our sound engineer, ian harris, recorded it. juan is one of the most genuine artists we have had the pleasure of crossing paths with, and he also schooled us on the yerba mate culture in uruguay.

Neil Campau was our june 2015 resident. he set up a studio in our residency room where he wrote and recorded a his new album, which was released august 25 2015 and available FOR FREE via bandcamp ( he performed this album live for us on july 2 2015, and it was fantastic. we are very honored to have been a part of this, and to add neil to our list of past residents. he is an inspiration for us and you should read building- his guide on hosting diy events. neil's projects include punks & criminals / electrician / (ex)world history - check out all of these things, and support them if you are able to.

David Wendell Nelson and Nicholas Yeck-Stauffer, founders of MIDWASTE magazine ( stayed with us from 15 july to 15 august 2016 working on their new publication. we had an incredible time with these guys while they were here, and are extremely happy with the friendships made during this time.

Stuart Shepherd, hailing from New Zealand (painter/ sculptor/ professor/ creative director of the 2016 N.Z. Outsider Art Fair), who stayed with us here at Rozz-Tox from 16 august - 1 october. During his residency here Stuart went to New York to support N.Z. artist Susan Te Kahurangi King and sit in on a panel discussion at the N.Y. Art Book Fair at MoMA ps1 in regards to Susan's new book. Among the people sitting on the panel with Stuart was Gary Panter! Dig it!
photo from left to right; chris byrne/ stuart sheppard/ pitita cole/ gary panter/ tina kukielski
photo from left to right; chris byrne/ stuart sheppard/ pitita cole/ gary panter/ tina kukielski

Benjy Estrada from Mexico City
los niños perdidos collective
benjy stayed with us for only a week, but used his time well documenting the community here. he was fascinated to find that there was so much happening in a place that is largely overlooked as a creative area.
we will be sharing the documentary here when finished.
among the many music videos benjy has directed/shot one might stand out more (unless you’re into the mexico city music scene)— here is the video for “monotonia” by the growlers.
and here’s benjy in action--
los niños perdidos collective
benjy stayed with us for only a week, but used his time well documenting the community here. he was fascinated to find that there was so much happening in a place that is largely overlooked as a creative area.
we will be sharing the documentary here when finished.
among the many music videos benjy has directed/shot one might stand out more (unless you’re into the mexico city music scene)— here is the video for “monotonia” by the growlers.
and here’s benjy in action--