r o z z - t o x s h e n y a n g
周二到周日 20:00-2:00
瀋陽市 ,沈河區
shop hours:
closed mondays
tues - sun 8PM-2AM
Shenyang City , Shenhe District
North Erjing Street Jiuwei Road East side 100 Meters.
周二到周日 20:00-2:00
瀋陽市 ,沈河區
shop hours:
closed mondays
tues - sun 8PM-2AM
Shenyang City , Shenhe District
North Erjing Street Jiuwei Road East side 100 Meters.
自2007年在廣州 LOFT345藝術空間 創建了第一個 Rozz-Tox , 到2011年美國岩島店總部的形成。我們非常自豪的告訴你:經歷了六個月的時間準備, 在瀋陽的分店即將在2017年6月17號開始為整個城市的文化, 藝術, 創意群體提供咖啡廳, 酒吧, 音樂場地和展廳的功能。在這個日異月殊、急速發展的城市之中,它將繼續保持其自身的獨特性。
In 2007, our first space opened in LOFT345 Art Space in Guangzhou, inspiring us to give birth to our Rock Island (US) hub in 2011. Now we are very proud to introduce our Shenyang space (est June 17, 2017) in Liaoning, Northeast China. We like putting our culture cells in areas where they are needed, where culture is lacking and where people are needing it the most-- Shenyang is just that. We hope to bring some interesting local, national and international minds together here and stir the pot.
失敗書店創辦於2015年底,致力於以當代社會議題對知識進行重新分類,也使本地與外地年輕人有知識生產和實踐的各種形式(討論與工作坊、編譯以及展覽)的聚集處。此外,摺疊的房間39號店 附體於失敗書店,摺疊的房間遊牧於不同城市,通過進入出人意表的場所,它試圖促成一種關乎行動經驗和知識路徑的流動網絡,其中的節點是閃爍不定的,目前已在廣州、瀋陽、貴陽、武漢、汕頭、北京存在過臨時或常設的房間。
We teamed up with Roaming Bookshop, which was founded in 2015. Roaming intends to re-categorize human knowledge in terms of conundrums that contemporary societies encounter and to be a pivot of local and global production of knowledge and relevant practices in forms of workshop, publication and exhibition etc. Folded Room No.39 also “haunts” Roaming Bookshop. Folded Room is a nomadic machine which connects infinite cites, penetrating mostly improbable places, for articulating a changing reticulation of knowledge generating and activist experiences, from which each room is a temporarily shimmering one of the constellation.
瀋陽空間負責人 小赫 深受精釀啤酒文化的影響。從2015年末開始在家自釀啤酒,到2016年赴福建鑽研釀造技術。開放的思想和投入長時間反覆試驗使之信心十足的創辦了自主精釀品牌 “德體啤酒 ”。所以特別在空間裡設置了小型的釀造間以誠懇的態度歡迎愛好者們前來分享和交流。
Our principal Shenyang partner Harper is deeply influenced by craft beer culture. He started brewing from home in 2015. After studying brewing technology in Fujian his interest in beer grew into a profession. His out of the box thinking, open mindedness, and many hours of experience has given him the confidence to launch his own brewing label “ DIRTY ”. In the spirit of DIY and cultural exchange Shenyang Rozz-Tox has established an on site craft brewery for lovers of beer.
In 2007, our first space opened in LOFT345 Art Space in Guangzhou, inspiring us to give birth to our Rock Island (US) hub in 2011. Now we are very proud to introduce our Shenyang space (est June 17, 2017) in Liaoning, Northeast China. We like putting our culture cells in areas where they are needed, where culture is lacking and where people are needing it the most-- Shenyang is just that. We hope to bring some interesting local, national and international minds together here and stir the pot.
失敗書店創辦於2015年底,致力於以當代社會議題對知識進行重新分類,也使本地與外地年輕人有知識生產和實踐的各種形式(討論與工作坊、編譯以及展覽)的聚集處。此外,摺疊的房間39號店 附體於失敗書店,摺疊的房間遊牧於不同城市,通過進入出人意表的場所,它試圖促成一種關乎行動經驗和知識路徑的流動網絡,其中的節點是閃爍不定的,目前已在廣州、瀋陽、貴陽、武漢、汕頭、北京存在過臨時或常設的房間。
We teamed up with Roaming Bookshop, which was founded in 2015. Roaming intends to re-categorize human knowledge in terms of conundrums that contemporary societies encounter and to be a pivot of local and global production of knowledge and relevant practices in forms of workshop, publication and exhibition etc. Folded Room No.39 also “haunts” Roaming Bookshop. Folded Room is a nomadic machine which connects infinite cites, penetrating mostly improbable places, for articulating a changing reticulation of knowledge generating and activist experiences, from which each room is a temporarily shimmering one of the constellation.
瀋陽空間負責人 小赫 深受精釀啤酒文化的影響。從2015年末開始在家自釀啤酒,到2016年赴福建鑽研釀造技術。開放的思想和投入長時間反覆試驗使之信心十足的創辦了自主精釀品牌 “德體啤酒 ”。所以特別在空間裡設置了小型的釀造間以誠懇的態度歡迎愛好者們前來分享和交流。
Our principal Shenyang partner Harper is deeply influenced by craft beer culture. He started brewing from home in 2015. After studying brewing technology in Fujian his interest in beer grew into a profession. His out of the box thinking, open mindedness, and many hours of experience has given him the confidence to launch his own brewing label “ DIRTY ”. In the spirit of DIY and cultural exchange Shenyang Rozz-Tox has established an on site craft brewery for lovers of beer.